Here we go…

I have been contemplating for about a month now what I actually wanted to start blogging about. I have so many interests and things happening in my life right now a straight direction has been near impossible to pin down. I have decided to focus on three things: my new home in Alabama (ekkk), my new adventures in clean eating (double eeekk) and training for triathlons. So let me start at the beginning:


Roughly a year ago my life changed forever. I had just gone through a really rough year of ending a long-term relationship and figuring out who I wanted to be as this new single person. I ran my first half marathon and lost about 40 lbs of extra weight.



At the end of a fairly disastrous summer of dating I met Andy on match. My faith in men had been restored and after a whirl wind first month I knew he was the one for me. On our very first date I was informed that in the upcoming summer Andy would be moving to a new city to finish his Phd program. I was really nervous about this but decided to proceed with the relationship since it was going so well! About three months later he asked me if I would move with him to wherever this new city was going to be. I of course said YES! So here we are 8 months later living in Birmingham, Alabama.

I have never lived outside of Ohio before but so far I am loving the experience of discovering a new city!


My family has been bugging me about pictures of the new apartment so here they are. Let’s all remember the place is still a work in progress!


The dinning room which is currently being used as bike storage!


Emmy really enjoys the patio with my beautiful herbs and tomatoes that are finally growing.


Master bath with double sinks! and the biggest tub ever. This is what really sold me on the apartment.


Master bedroom. I am planning on reupholstering the headboard and painting the dresser a nice grey color.


The spare bedroom/ our office/ disaster zone. I promise at some point it will be ready to receive guests.


The spare bathroom or as I like to call it the cats bathroom. I cleverly did not include the litter box in this picture. Hah

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Two pictures of our living room very spacious hoping when I get a job we can purchase a coffee table and a dinning room table.


That’s all I have so far. I will soon be posting about my Race medal holder we made that is currently at a stand still because of some hook errors.


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